Q: Could someone be allergic to a natural ingredient like an essential oil? 

A: Yes, absolutely.  If you are unsure if you are allergic to a particular ingredient, you can try a patch test.  You can read more about patch tests here.  Please read our medical disclaimer (found here) for more information regarding allergic reactions.

Q: What are natural exfoliants? 

A:  Naturally grown items like shredded loofa, finely ground walnut shells, ground spices, ground beans, fine clay, and even some essential oils are known to exfoliate. Each ingredient brings a different benefit to your skin.  

Q: Why do you use Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)? 

A: Lye has been used for centuries to make soap.  It is considered "ye olde fashioned way" of making soaps.  Lye mixed with water and oil goes through a chemical process called saponification which changes its properties.  Once saponification has occurred, soap is safe to use.   

Q: Why does my soap lose its scent? 

A: Essential oils are a finicky beast.  They do not always smell the same AND they fade quickly.  That is why store bought chemical laden soaps use "fragrances."  Their chemists trick our noses into thinking we're using strawberries to wash our hands.  Not possible.  BUT, real essential oil soaps are meant to be used and enjoyed within six months to one year because their scent will fade as the remaining moisture evaporates from the bar.   So go ahead and use that bar of soap; it's not fine china, so don't save if for a special occasion.  Isn't everyday special?

Q: Is liquid soap more sanitary then bar soap?

A: Nope.  Lye-based soaps, like the ones we make, are still used in health care facilities for a reason: they clean very well.  Lye-based soaps trap dirt and carry dirt and germs away when rinsed off.  Lye-based soaps take time to lather so you are not tricked by a spray of bubbles from a bottle that are quickly rinsed away before the detergents do their job.  Lye-based soaps are more slippery and take a few seconds longer to thoroughly use - it's not a hassle when you think of those seconds as the ones that are keeping you healthy.  

Q: I see "release dates" listed on your website. What is that? 

A: Soap takes 4-6 weeks to cure, and sometimes longer for particular varieties.  We can't mail our soap until it can be released for use which is after the curing time has been achieved.  However, we open the order process so folks can preorder one of our soaps up to 3 weeks in advance. We will mail it the day after release. 


Q: Why do some of my soap bars soften? 

A: Some bar formulas are made harder or softer for particular purposes.  Harder bars tend to be made with ingredients that are great for regular cleansing. These bars are formulated to be used repeatedly throughout the day without the time to fully dry.  Bars that can be softer are made using ingredients that are focused on moisturizing.  They tend to be good for people with dry skin issues.  Softer bars can also be the result of formulas that are intended for facial cleansers that are used once or twice a day and then allowed to dry until the next use.